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  • New Reports
    Posted On: Mar 07, 2021

    Originally published  - Summer 2019 Voice of Colorado

    by Robert Helmig, President, CPWU

    It's important to document management doing bargaining unit work. Far too many times they don’t accurately report on the 1260 what they worked. Also, if a RCA or anyone else other than a clerk is doing clerk work, l need to know. Management has sent me over a dozen reversion notices in the last year and a lot of it is because others are doing our work. Don't let it happen and not report it to me.

    On that note, if you are in a manual station, it is important that when you fill out your 1234 timecard. you do so accurately. I get calls asking to do a maximization grievance and can't because the clerk only writes down 8 hours for that day. You need start time, out to lunch, in from lunch, and end of tour. If there isn't a punch clock, write it up and send it to me. We need accurate hours.

    For lead clerks, you should be doing TAC's. If not, I need to know about it, ASAP.

    As far as representation goes, I have gotten a few calls and the clerk issue is untimely because they spoke with someone other than me. I am the only one certified to represent you in your station. With exception to one station, I am the representative. There is a process to certify someone to represent a station covered by the Colorado APWU. If you continue to call others and not me, your issue may be moot, as it could be untimely. Remember, you have 14 days from when the action happened or when you became await of is to grieve it. My contact information is on the website, and on page 2 of The Voice.

    I want to offer on behalf of the state of Colorado our sympathies to the family and friends of brother Bob Pritchard. He was the Motor Vehicle Craft Director at national for 17 years and was the longest serving craft director in our history at national. I knew Bob on a personal level, he was a great mentor, friend and family man. He will be missed.
    I hope everyone has a great and safe summer. Spend it with your family and friends, and relax.

  • Colorado Postal Workers Union

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